Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A little trip to NE

I got to take a little trip to Nebraska recently to see family.  In theory, I thought it would be a quick trip and I'd get a little quality time with my niece and new nephew.  It turned out to be an awesome trip and I got to stay and extra night with my nearly 91 year old grandma!
Here's Grandma Myrt and little Dawson.  She is thrilled with his name.  Dawson is the little town near where my entire family is from.  She feels that it's a "family name" and I agree!

I call this our "We are not impressed" look.  Kate is growing up so fast.  She's amazing!
Grandma and I had fried chicken for dinner the extra night I spent with just her.  She had some leftovers of a pasta salad that was very tasty.  She kept telling me it was a box of mac and cheese with Dorothy Lynch dressing.  For some reason, I didn't believe what she was saying.  I kept thinking that the cheese powder and milk would have made it gross.  Finally, she got up and said "I'll just show you the recipe!".  I made this for Mother's Day and it was great!  And really easy!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Birthday Birthday!

April is birthday month at our house!  Mine is the 4th and Chad's in the 8th.  I LOVE birthdays!
First off, I won an Instagram contest and the prize came in time for my birthday!  Benissimo Oils had a contest that I entered and didn't expect to win.  But I did!!  They sent the nicest letter with the Balsamic Garlic Oil and wished me a happy birthday on instagram.

Here I am at 3 years old.  I remember this party vividly.  That is the best frosting in the entire world.  Obviously I couldn't keep my finger out of it!

Here I am at 44 years old.  Can't believe that number!!
My parents came for Easter and my mom knew I had mentioned an essential oil diffuser a few months ago.  So that was my gift.  But more on that another time.  I love it and want to tell you all about it in another post.

My parents made homemade pasta for us the day after Easter.  Delicious!
Mom wouldn't pose for a pic, so I pretended to make the pasta.  Ha!

Drying the pasta.

Grandma Myrt was here, too.
Free fruity drink at lunch.

My MIL left these as a surprise while I was out shopping.  Gorgeous!

Photo message from the sweetest kids in the world!  

I made this quiche for breakfast while family was here.
Mine is not nearly as pretty as Well Plated's but the recipe was spot-in.  Make will love it.

Yummy candle from my friend Anjie.

The Easter chalkboard in my kitchen.
Chad had a pretty exciting birthday!

KC Royals Nike Hat.  It's very cool!

I had a dear friend make a KC Royals clock for his gift this year.  He's going to put it in his man cave.

My MIL found this print in a shop in Ottawa, KS.  It was by Chad's childhood friend's mother. 
This is a Royals birthday all the way around!

MIL gave me essential oils for my diffuser.  This one is great combined with lemon.

Grandma Joann and Linda looking things over.

Glasses from Blacksburg, VA where Chad's brother and family live.
And I always give him a basket or bucket of stuff from Dollar Tree.  I think the Fuzzy Poster was his favorite!

Friday, March 20, 2015

1902 book into purse

Check out this item in my Etsy shop

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Learning to cook

My mother signed me up for 4H when I was a young girl.  Not agricultural 4H, but the sewing and cooking version.  I loved it!  I got to spend extra time with my friends and I got to do cool stuff with my mom.
I learned how to sew and how to sort of cook.  Meaning I enjoyed the sewing more than I enjoyed the cooking...

I grew up, went away to college and ate at a dining hall.  We had a tiny stove and toaster oven in my dorm suite, so I learned how to make ramen and how to make toasted cheese sandwiches.

Flash forward to adulthood-and I never  became much of a chef.  I'd prepare your standard fare of hamburger helper, pot roast, hamburgers, pork chops and the like.  Actually, I cooked like my mom and grandmothers...

About 5 years ago, my mother introduced me to pinterest.  At first I thought, oh, please...I won't use this much.  HA!  I've been an adict ever since!  For a long time I used it for craft and holiday ideas.  But now my cooking boards are bigger than any other boards!

A friend invited me into a dinner/cooking group on facebook.  People post what they've had or made for dinner.  I literally only know 2 people in this group, but these women have become my idols!
Many post photos to show what they've made.  Lots of them link to the recipe and others just give a general description.

It has inspired me to cook better and eat better.  Granted, I only post a photo when it's a good meal that I've prepared.  I never post when it's a depression Big Mac and fries...
My goal this week has been to be able to post every day because it makes me feel so much better to know I've cared enough about myself to make a "photo worthy" meal.

Here are a few recent meals we've had at our house:
I used spinach instead of kale.  
It was awesome!  This will be something I make if we have company for dinner.  

 I also checkout out a Skinny Bitch cookbook from the library.
This winter, I had made a soup with barley, so I had that ingredient on-hand.  I also had beans in the cupboard, so I had minimal shopping to do for this reciper.  Technically, it's supposed to be served as a salad, but we had it as a warm main dish. was really good!!

I ran across Amuse Your Bouche somewhere online...reddit...facebook...pinterest...and this carrot and brie pasta sounded amazing.  She also featured roasted radishes on her blog.  So I thought...hey!  let's try this!  
It was a little labor-intensive (for me) but it was awesome!!  I used pine nuts instead of walnuts, as I had them on-hand.
And let me tell you about the roasted radishes...actually...I've been telling anyone with ears about the roasted radishes ever since I made them:  Ah-mazing!  We loved them.  They are a perfect substitute for potatoes.  They were juicy and fluffy all at the same time.  I will make these all of the time from hereon!  I quartered the radishes, tossed them in olive oil and threw some salt, pepper and oregano on them.  Do it!!!  You'll thank me :)
(and that's sauteed broccolini on the plate, too)

Now that I want to talk about this lemony bacon pasta salad...I cannot find the recipe!
I used bowtie pasta,spinach, fried bacon really crisp, cooked up a little bacon and made a light mayo/lemon dressing to toss it all together.  It was a quick weekend lunch to use up ingredients left from the week of dinners.  Chad really raved about this one!

I LOVED this pizza.  Loved it!!
Last February, we visited family in Denver and had a dinner at Steuben's and it was a great meal.  They have roasted brussel sprouts on the menu and we had to order them twice!
Thus began a love of the b. sprouts at our house.
We like them simply roasted with dry italian dressing and a little sugar, but I'm always on the lookout for a new recipe.  
Pretty sure I could have eaten the whole thing myself!!!

Well...thanks for looking.  There will be more recipes and photos that I'll share another time.  You can follow me on if you want to see more.

And feel free to tell me what YOU'RE cooking up in the kitchen!  I love new ideas and recipes!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Fitbit Flex Makeover

I got a fitbit flex last year in hopes that I would work out and lose some weight.
It's helped...but I could do better.  But that's not the fitbit's fault!

I usually get my 10,000 steps every weekday.  Weekends, I relax more and don't get as many steps.
The biggest motivation for me is the fitbit workweek hustle challenges.  They're great!  You can create your own and invite your fitbit friends to join in.  Then you call compete thru the week to see who gets the most steps.  It gives you updates thru the day to let you know who is getting steps, hitting their goals and who is in close competition.  I've never considered myself a competitive person, but these challenges really bring it out in me!!  Last week was the first week that I won the gold!!

I wear my fitbit flex all day and evening.  It's the first thing I put on in the morning and the last thing I take off.  For almost a year, I've worn the rubber band that came with the flex.
How boring is that?  Blah!  It's flexible and comfortable, but not very visually appealing.
Like a dummy, I assumed these bands were the only way you could wear the flex since the little part that tracks your activity fits inside.
Then I realized you could customize your fitbit bracelet!  I went to Pinterest for inspiration.

And then came up with my own versions:

Paracord works really well.  These might be my favorite option.  I found several YouTube videos to walk me thru simple bracelets like the cobra knot version.
Then I sewed a little pouch to the back/bottom in which to put the fitbit piece.  Super easy!  Just be sure to make your bracelet on the larger side of the spectrum.  I made a couple that fit my wrist before the fitbit was inserted.  After I put it in, I couldn't fit the bracelet around my wrist.

I bought some paracord at Hobby Lobby in a pre-made pack that came with the closures.  But the cord was too short to be able to make a bracelet out of one color.  You can splice together 2 colors, but I didn't learn that til later on...
I then got cord at Walmart for less and it came with a lot more!

 While at Hobby Lobby, I got some trim from the fabric department.  I really like this look!  Again, I used a similar color in felt to make a little pouch for the fitbit part to go in.  I make the felt pouch long enough that you can sorta fold the end over to close it up.  Next time, I think I'll sew on a little piece of Velcro to close up.

I had 4 wristbands from the 2 flexes I have had in the past year.  Long story short...first one got wonky and their company replaces it quickly.
Chad cut off the ends and drilled holes on the bracelet part so I could make bracelets with beads and lobster claw closures.  He had a tough time getting the hole big enough and finished enough.  It was not our best moment.  lol!
But he got it right and I love the way it looks.  The one on the left top was made with jewelry hemp string and the below it was made with stretchy cord.  
The left vertical is faux leather trim and the right vertical is upholstery trim.

I think it would be better for the hole-poking to use a tool called a Japanese Screw Punch

If you try making one, write a comment and show it to me!  I'd love to see what you come up with!
Meanwhile...I need to go get some steps!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lawrence Arts Center Souper Bowl 2015

 Here's the backstory:  Many, many years ago I was very single and very bored.  I was always trying new hobbies and adventures and once upon a time, I decided I wanted to learn to tap dance.  That's right...tap dance.
In my mind, I think it was going to be like this
When in fact it was more like this
I had found a pair of tap dance shoes on the clearance rack at WalMart.  Sadly, they were more like little girl flat tap shoes with a ribbon shoelace.
I signed up for a beginning tap class expecting the other students to be women-of-a-certain-age like me...
BUT...they were all University dance students who were "brushing" up during a school break.
I could not keep up.  At all.  So I didn't go back.  *sad face*

That was my intro to The Lawrence Arts Center.

Over the years, I've gone to several events that are held at LAC, but never the annual Souper Bowl.
This year, we made it a point to attend and we were not disappointed!
Here we are getting ready to get in line.  We got there nearly an hour before it started and there were already a ton of people in line. 

The people in front of us talked about how they have been going for years and have amassed  quite a collection of handmade bowls.
Finally, the doors opened at 11.  We had no idea what to expect.
There were about 10 or 12 tables in the gallery room with bowls  and small plates on display.  You pretty much have to grab what you like that you see and carry it around with you until you make your ultimate decision.  Some people were carrying around 10 bowls at a time and would set down their "rejects".  But trust me...none of them are actual rejects.  They're all so awesome it's really hard to decide which to choose!!  I think I went thru 7 bowls before I made my final decision.

There was quite the crowd!  This would be a great place and way to get some Christmas gifts!

I got to see a lot of people that I know  :)

This was the line to pay and they had a bunch of volunteers who wrap your bowl with great care.
Chad picked a bowl that was $15, mine was $20 and Linda got two $10 bowls.

After you buy your bowl (they range from $10-$30) and get it wrapped up, you go back out into the main area where there is a variety of soup, bread and beverages that was included with the price of your bowl.

I had Garden Vegetable and a herb roll.

The blue bowl is Chad's.  Mine is yellow, cream and a beautiful lavender.
 They had other events going all day!

Souper Bowl Info

I highly recommend attending in 2016.  We loved it!