So now I'm going to post some random photos from the past several months. And now I'll try and keep up with things...
Those are all from Branson Thanksgiving Weekend 2012.
Jack stayed with Howard and Cindy the weekend before Christmas and Harper took a road trip with us to NE to see my family. They both did really well and I think they enjoyed being "only children" for a couple of days. :)
Christmas Day at Linda's house.
Stage one of my Christmas Village. My dad buys a new piece for me every year. Those are my most special pieces. And I find random pieces at garage sales and thrift shops thru the year to beef up the collection. The pieces my dad gives to me are of a certain brand (can't remember the name right now...) and I keep all of them together. The others do not match and are separate.
Christmas Card Photo Session. This is quite possibly Chad's lease favorite day of the year.
Getting Linda's tree December 2012.
Travis and Sami came over to have our own Christmas with them and we went to Strawberry Hill to pick out Linda's tree.
The day before, we had all gone to my grandparent's farm in NE. My grandma moved from the farm into town and said that I could come up and take whatever I like from the outdoor sheds and what she'd left behind in the house.
I found 2 tricycles that had been my fathers.
Linda loves sentimental things and at Christmas, she always wants recycled gifts or handmade gifts.
So I decorated one of the vintage trikes to give to her as her gift from all of us.
Travis and Sami made homemade pineapple vodka for everyone and delicious spicy chocolate!
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